
Government Services

Divided Lines is certified with both SDVOSB and NVBDC validations. Having provided over the past two decades training, personal protection, intelligence services, and security consulting for governments domestic and abroad in permissive and non-permissive high-risk environments have resulted in our accreditation.

Corporate Services

We provide low-profile security services for our corporate clientele ranging from Event security, Executive protection, Private investigations, Protective drivers, Risk Management, and Security systems integration. We know security is not one size suits all.

Custom Services

In most cases, involving a full security detail is not suited for everyone, but keeping from embarrassment while providing the best security services is. If you’re looking for that specific security need that fits you, call us. We can build a team specifically for you.

Core Competencies

Our best-in-industry private security team is highly dependable with a 20+ year proven performance track record. Our services include, but are not limited to:

Event Security

On-site security for concerts, events, meetings, or collaborative events.

Executive Protection

Our protective experience involves U.S State officials such as Senators, Congress Men/Women, Ambassadors, Vice President, and Presidents of the United States, including confidential clients.

Protective Drivers

We provide qualified drivers for transportation services for persons or assets. An insensitive; all of our associates maintain levels of accreditation in.

Security Systems Integrations

We provide the know-how for security system discovery, maintenance, and training.


Physical and Mental training for the intended disciplines to perform all encompassing security.

Risk Management

We provide our clientele security solutions via business and lifestyle to mitigate relations and leisure from exposure to unwanted solicitations in and out of the Office.